I know that this could be a Mulligan Monday entry, but it was too important to wait the weekend.
Matt Drudge reported yesterday that Senate Republican leader, Bill Frist, has decided to support a bill to expand federal financing for embryonic stem cell research in a decided break with President Bush (that giant sucking sound you're hearing is Dobson and company on a conference call trying to figure out what in the Sam Hill just happened). Frist's actions could force a confrontation with the White House, which is threatening to veto the measure. "While human embryonic stem cell research is still at a very early stage, the limitations put in place in 2001 will, over time, slow our ability to bring potential new treatments for certain diseases," Senator Frist says. "Therefore, I believe the president's policy should be modified."
This "sea change" will almost certainly affect Mr. Frist's political future. His breaking with President Bush on this issue is Frist's way of being "his own man" and demostrating independent leadership with his eyes possibly on the Presidency for 2008. But supporting an expansion of this policy will put him at most certain odds with evangelical conservative Christians, whose support he will desperately need to garner the Republican nomination. In "Schwarzenegger like" fashion, this purposed decision could help him win support among centrists. Question: Is Frist beginning to "morph into a conservative moderate" before our very eyes? Only time will tell.
"I am pro-life," arguing that he can reconcile his support for the science with his own "Christian" faith. "I believe human life begins at conception." But at the same time, he says, "I also believe that embryonic stem cell research should be encouraged and supported." Note: no biblical support or Romanist dogma was given to back his convictions.
The timing of the Senator's move on this is quite significant. Frist is a Romanist who spoke at Justice Sunday 1 via a pre-recorded message, but is not scheduled to be one of the speakers for JS2 (August 14th, Sunday evening, 6pm, Two Rivers Baptist Church, Nashville, TN). However, he has been praised and championed by the Fab Four of ECB (Dobson, Mohler, Land and Colson) and is a key voice for the ECBoys on the hill. This, however, could change everything.
With Roe v. Wade considered to be a political plumbline for Supreme Court appointees by the White House and stem cell research a litmus test for conservative family values (thought by many to be another form of ending human life by pro-life advocates including myself) is not upheld by political conservatives, it could have a polarizing effect within the Republican Party. Do the ECB Fab Four still find unanimity with their "Washington ally" now that he’s changed his position on this issue and is no longer "in-sync" - consistent with their pro-life convictions? The ironic and interesting thing is now Senator Frist must be co-belligerent against the co-belligerents he once was co-belligerent with. Fun isn't it? Will FOTF begin a "recovery program" for former ECBers who have defected on a key point of evangelical backed valued-legislation? How will they confront this with Frist and not alienate him on other issues? Can anyone say, "Potomac two-step?"
Once again folks, when someone’s cultural burden for society, though noble, is played out by vacillating political ethics rather than immutable biblical ones, then this what you get. The good Senator from my home state is pro-life, believes that life begins at conception, but is now for stem cell research violating the core of those beliefs and moral ethics. What a schizophrenic time we live in (I think the clinical diagnosis is called... postmodernism). Is that Dobson I hear humming this morning "Those boots are made for walking...?" (Read Psalm 139:13-17 today; it's God's view on this issue.)
The "Evangelical Spin" stops here...
THIS JUST IN - Here is Tony Perkin's of the FRC's (Family Research Council) response to Senator's Frist support for embryonic stem cell research. Tony Perkins gives a very solid plea for Mr. Frist to change his thinking to "good science, good ethics, and good public policy." Tony has proven himself very credible and fair of his treatment on many issues and I commend his column and subsequent links to you.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
12 hours ago
> Is that Dobson I hear humming >this morning "Those boots are >made for walking...?"
Probably because he's getting ready to launch a boycott against one of the world's most famous "PK's". :-)
The Repubican controlled Senate, House of Representatives and White House cannot accomplish anything because they seem to be too intent on pursuing their own individual agendas.
I'm considering becoming an Independent because of the irresponsible behavior of the Senate and House Republicans. I don't want to be aligned with any of them.
Awesome blog, and even greater to know that someone of your status and achievements in life has decided to Blog. It makes me feel good to know that this is a great ministry, and everyone should do this.
I place my faith in the Heavenly Father that he will guide and lead the leaders of this nation to make the right decisions.
It hurts when you loose someone in the Senate, or theyd ecide to change their minds. But God will lead us, and them.
Thanks again Steve for Blogging, and inspiring us all to continue with this great outreach tool.
God Bless.
jus divinum wrote:
Yeah, whatever.
Good to see you back on the "COT" blog.
(1 Tim. 4:12-16)
Tony, Breuss and Jay:
All profitable thoughts here.
-Independent is good--it is disheartening these days in political leadership.
-God is sovereign over the affairs of His world ordering them to His own pleasure and purpose. That is our hope and though it does no abrogate us of our duty as well, how comforting to rest in the KING of all kings.
-Chad, you have the gift of saying much in just a few key words... "yeah, whatever." Sums up my thoughts perfectly.
"And our money says in God we trust
But its against the law to pray in schools
You say we beat the Russians to the moon
And I say you starved your children to do it
You say all men are equal, all men are brothers
Then why are the rich more equal than others
Don't ask me for the answers I've only got one
That a man leaves his darkness when he follows the Son!"
I agree.
"The Great American Novel" - Lyric by Larry Norman - (1972)
Doesn't Co-Bee whine, I mean play, for the Lakers?
True the 'diablogue' post was poorly written and misinformed but please be mindful of your words. I realize there is a bit of jest and informality to a blog and its comments but we must not "sit in the seat of scoffers" when disagreeing. We are brothers in the Lord.
Scorn and mockery are not acceptable amongst family members. My heart would be greived if my children spoke, "yeah, whatever" to one another.
If I have misjudged your thoughts and intentions, I do apologize. Jesus warned we will be judged for "EVERY idle word" so I only wish to suggest a little caution.
May the grace of the Lord be with you all!
matthew2323 wrote:
>we must not "sit in the seat of >scoffers" when disagreeing.
I must politely disagree. Theonomy and the Bahnsenian sympathies are *so* unbiblical (walking by sight, rather than faith), the theology deserves nothing but scorn and derision.
It's not about our brothers. It's about the theonomically-inclined nonsense being espoused. To answer it is a waste of Christ-given time. IMHO.
I get the distinct impression that the Co-Bees are going to be providing fodder for Mulligan Monday quite frequently. :-)
There must be two different Chad Bressons in the world. There’s the Chad who says that “what our nation allowed to happen to his daughter speaks volumes about where our society is not, including evangelicals,” and then there’s the Chad who says that “theonomy…deserves nothing but scorn and derision.”
One Chad denounces those who pulled the plug while the other Chad denounces those who tried to keep her alive. Good to know that Steve and his allies are distinguished by such moral clarity.
I like you Chad. Personal attacks come only when your opponent knows that they have been beaten.
Like I said, the best answer to folly is no answer.
I like that Mohler quote... well done.
..."Loving our neighbors for the sake of our love for God is the most profound political philosophy."...
I would only clarify that the second cmmandment is not "profound political philosophy" - but the genuine fruit of regeneration displayed in Christlikeness. Biblical love is undeserved; unmerited; unfaililng; self-sacrificial and unreciprocated. It is a work of the grace of our Lord that develops the depth of that kind of "otherworldly" love in us to His glory (1 John 3:1; Eph. 5:2; Matt. 5:40-47).
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young said, "love the one you're with." The Beatles said, "all you need is love" and then they broke up (larry norman's line). The Pharisees say, "I'll love you if you love me." Satan says, "love yourself." Jesus says, "love your enemies" and "love your neighbor as yourself."
All to say... Al is a godly man and I appreciate what he is implying in his words. I am so grateful that he is my brother in the Lord. I have learned much from him and continue to do so. And though we differ greatly on the ECB issue right now, that has not diminished my love for him.
Thank you again for sharing that quote... Keep 'em coming.
Yours for the Master's use,
PS - In all our discussions I echo the wisdom of my dear friend Phil Johnson... "don't feed the trolls."
Steve I have to disagree with the way you talk about other Christians in this blog. I wonder what actual edifying thing you have to say to FOTF or others if they read this. They would definitely not grow in understanding of what you are saying, but be more defensive and less willing to read the scriptures with you on the topic. Though I agree with you that they are focusing on politics more than the gospel to change society.
To me it sounded more like personal attacks.
Please don't get me wrong, this is me from a guy who has listened to you preach and sing for 15 years and has been encouraged in Lord from you for years. Plus you have had a dramatic impact on me since Abandoned to God by leading me to good solid bible teaching in your songs.
God encourages me daily to be more and more excited and captivated with Scripture with friends and prophetic voices like you.
Well anyway, I just wanted to say how is this particular post helped those who are in the FOTF or something else come to a more biblical view. To me it was a bit rude for no clear reason or help for others.
Shawn wrote:
>To me it sounded more like personal >attacks.
I understand your concerns. But have you listened to FOTF lately? One of the programs this week was nothing but a rip session on anyone standing in the way of the John Roberts nomination. Their tone was uncalled for.
They've set themselves up for justified rebuke... and Steve's made it fun along the way, IMHO.
jus divinum wrote:
>an occasion for glee, and public >mocking of his brothers in Christ.
Quite frankly, this is dishonest, and one more reason *why* some arguments/theological paradigms are better left unengaged.
or a nexus in the space time continuum
Ah, yes, the Honorable Dr. Frist. I'm not really surprised by his one-eighty.....I did vote for the senator, but I'm not really surprised by this story. What do you do? I researched, and I voted for whom I thought would do the best job as my representative--then, I put it in God's hands--He has the final say, anyway, right?
As for the trolls lurking in the shadows, I'll address them one time, and I won't engage them anymore henceforth. This reader did not find the article rude, interpret it as a personal attack, or a public mocking of Christian brothers. Steve was only reflecting on what the reaction to this news could be from the ECB crowd. This is merely Steve Camp in his purest form, folks.
Blog on, Campi, Blog on!
jus divinum wrote:
>Can you _honestly_ say that Mr. >Camp is not openly mocking his >fellow Christians
Satirical rhetoric is out of bounds *within* the kingdom? I think not.
> and conveying he's having a good >time doing it?
Absolutely not, and this is where your comments are dishonest. Nowhere has Steve suggested he's glad about Frist's 180. In fact, Steve endorsed both Al Mohler's and Tony Perkins' (FOTF-Washington) comments about Frist. The selectivity on which the comments are based renders the critique false and misleading.
The sheer hypocrisy of the ECB movement is typified in what happened with Frist last week. Dobson and company had courted Frist on several key "moral, family values, prolife issues"; solicited him for public support and comment (JS1); and counted on him to influence other Washington constituents on those same convctions for legislative strength in changing policy. Then he flip/flopped. When someone changes positions dramatically as he did (he also asked for federal funding for his "new" position) that has profound implications on Party affiliations and ECB directly. I think that some ECBers now know "Frist-hand" that the "tie that binds" their allies run only "potomoc" deep. Simply put... they (ECB) got stung.
This demonstrates perfectly that when unity is rooted foundationally in political posturing as opposed to biblical certainty, this kind of thing is to be expected--and will happen again. Hopefully, this will serve as a wake up call for the ECB movement to primarily address issues in the future with a proper mandate: biblically; and by proper means: the local church.
One final comment: Biblical truth, by its very nature is: exclusive and immutable; it is not of the moment; and rooted in eternity (Psalm 119:89). The political reality is: of the moment; based upon focus groups and polling; and is dependent upon personal electable viability. Politics is the art of compromise; biblical Christianity is to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him.
What is the answer for this dilemma? "Evangelical Biblical Engagement (EBE)..." This will be addressed in future posts.
Until then, take comfort: Jesus reigns as King now; He is sovereign over all His creatures; the governments are subject to His purposes and pleasure; the kingdom of God is already and not yet... and the ECB movement is still unbiblical.
Having more fun than a Reformed Baptist should be allowed...
Yours for the Master's use,
2 Tim. 3:16-17
Let me say something here that I feel is important and needful. All comments are welcomed on this blog (within the rules stated) and are appreciated, even if I disagree with some of them and some of you with me. I find it refreshing and necessary.
Let's stay on issue, keep Christ and His glory first in all these discussions, stay teachable and may we encourage each other by the truth of Scripture. Poke fun at me with irreverent sarcasm—I don’t mind it, but show some deference too. And have some fun doing it. (I.E. - Brian I appreciate your words of caution and for giving me a "mulligan.")
I am thrilled at the dialogue and the response so far with this blog. I am honored to be in the lively art of doctrinal/theological/biblical conversation with each of you. This is so good for Christians to engage and should be happening more within the body of Christ. (I can think of a few Seminaries that would benefit from such dialogue). I don’t play politics and don’t respect those that do either. I play hardball when it comes to the Lord and His Word. When the iron strikes the iron - sometimes the sparks will fly. It's OK... Bring it on! But don’t go personal apart from the issues—those kinds of comments will be deleted immediately.
As always, you may further opine, bloviate and vent to your hearts content to me by email (click on the A1Mail icon near the top of the blog).
Take Heaven by Storm...
Acts 20:24
Lord please come quickly we don't know what were doing. Can I get an Amen?
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