"Fleets of CC-Mobiles, new roving confession and Communion trucks, are plying neighborhoods in Mexico and the U.S. "When I heard the tinkling music, I thought it was the ice cream man, so I sent the kids out with money," says Maria Gonzalez. "Then I saw a priest at the wheel. He invited us into the truck to have brightly-colored Communion wafers and confess anything we needed to confess. I have to admit, it was convenient." This is where faith's "rubber meets the road."
Church growth experts are way behind the curve on this new innovation for pastoral ministry. Maybe groups like the ECM will soon adopt this as well?
Hope this puts a little levity in your day :-).
-this has been an encore presentation-
Still LOL
I wonder if they are going to sell franchises?
Campi said:
"PS - Hope this puts a little levity in your day :-). -campi."
You, sir, have succeeded! :)
LOL! This is the funniest thing I've seen all day!
I think they stole this idea from our old friend, Pastor Hugh:
Church of the Open Road
Since it was communion wafers should that be putting a little UNlevity in our day?
Didn't see that one coming.
Imagine how the blind athiest jonesing for some ice cream must feel.
Since it was communion wafers should that be putting a little UNlevity in our day?
Line of the day man... Really great!
Imagine how the blind athiest jonesing for some ice cream must feel.
Didn't see this before commenting to JM.
Another incredible line!!! OK, tied for comment of the day. If we have a sudden death comment overtime, the winner will get a free round trip to Rome to visit the Vatican... (Just Kidding).
You guys are too quick-witted.
Great stuff... thanks for making my day.
Maybe I'm a little sensitive to this, but I see this and it makes me think of the pedophilia problem the RCC has... kids running outside, thinking it's ice cream time?
"A 95 Theses??? No but we have a 99 flake with raspberry topping"
(u may have to be english)
Tetzel would have loved this!
Anyone remember McCartney's "Helen Wheels?" ;-)
Sorry--(I'm putting myself in "time-out" for that one).
Very good LOL!
39 flavors OR; 39 hail Mary's. :-).
Tetzel would have charged you more... before the truck actually pulled up. :-)
Good pun. Glad you didn't choose Let It Be or Hells Bells or anything Sinad O'Conner :-).
All "Larknews levity" aside, check out this "ministry" link.......who knew?
I was just reminded of how when I was a young girl, and a Roman Catholic at the time, when I had to go to Confession, sometimes I wouldn't have any sins to confess for that week (or at least, so I thought!). So I would have to think up sins to tell the Priest, sins that I didn't commit, just so I'd have something to tell him.
I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but this news story is actually satirical. You can check out the disclaimer of the site putting out the parody news piece here:
- The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim
Yes... I know. All of LarkNews is a tongue and cheek satirical approach to news. I really like those guys.
Sorry to anyone here who took me literally or didn't realize it was a spoof.
Truth in jest,
I'm kind of sorry it IS a spoof, at least as far as the rolling confessional idea. Maybe people would actually go to confession if it came to them.
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