QUESTION: How does one become discerning? How do believers in the Lord Jesus Christ guard themselves from becoming just another part of evangelicalism's groupthink on issues? How does one not become a slave to culture's conventional wisdom?
ANSWER: Think biblically. Be students of God's Word. Have your mind guarded and guided by the truth of Scripture. Be heavenly-minded on earthly things. Be Bereans. Love His law. Meditate on it day and night. Hide it in your heart. Let it become your sojourners song. Let it take permanent residence in you. Turn to it as lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Treasure it more than silver or gold and feast upon it more than your daily food. Let it be the joy and rejoicing of your heart. Crave it as newborn babes and find its words sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.

-Isaiah 66:2
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
-Philippians 4:4-8
Great post. Another verse that I focus on is Romans 12:1-2 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."The Christian's values are to be rooted in God's Word so we know what good is as opposed to the world's values that call evil good and call darkness light, because the world and the values of the world are under the control of the evil one.
"We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true—even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
Dear children, keep yourselves from idols." 1 John 5:19-21
Not to open up the same discussion, but your question brought this to my mind. I had always been patriotic and somewhat invloved in the political process and I had always just assumed the "Christian nation" moniker was correct.
My best friend, Sarah Puebla's brither, asked me this in 2000.
"Show me Biblically where God endorsed violent overthrow of any government."
As you suggested, Steve, I spent 6 months of deep investigation and my life was change. I had been just caught up with mainstream evangelical though on the subject.
Blue Collar Toda
Great verses as well. There are many wonderful verses on this theme that we can focus our hearts and minds on today.
Thank you for mentioning these...
"Show me Biblically where God endorsed violent overthrow of any government."
Is that the right question? How about honoring the rule of law and through process honoring to the Lord and the same rule of law hold leaders accountable within a said governmental system. And if they fail to comply, that other leaders within that system call a nation to reform or to begin again as a democratic republic as in the case of the founding of this nation?
Again, the theme of this thread is think biblically, not culturally.
Steve - the issue is violence. Is it correct to violently overthrow a government that taxes too much or acts inappropriately. If so, let us get guns.
In fact, we are sometime s called to persecution from the secular government, not called to change the government to avoid persecution. In my view we have no part in any government, and they surely have no part in us.
Biblical thinking, not cultural.
Did Jesus call for the overthrow of one of the most violent governments in history? Of course not, and he never even hinted at being concerned with anything but the ecclesiasitcal government.
"And if they fail to comply"
Steve, which laws did King George III break?
Steve, which laws did King George III break?
His own.
We are not talking here about the church acting as a its own nation trying to overthrow government for its own spiritual purposes.
We are talking about other governmental officials who some were believers that used the channels of legislation, reason, discussion, inquiry, parliament and the like over several years to confront King George about his injustices and insurrections.
No one is espousing a mild or radical form of theonomy.
Lastly, Jesus wasn't just concerned about an ecclesiastical government. He honored Caesar's right to collect taxes and punish evil doers.
God has established and set in place all government powers for His own purposes as well (Roms. 13:1-7).
Is it correct to violently overthrow a government that taxes too much or acts inappropriately. If so, let us get guns.
Define violently and acts inappropriately.
We already have the constitutional right to "get guns..." No need to act inappropriately when you have the legal right.
In regards to taxes: we vote, write our Congressional leaders, hold peaceful demonstrations (i.e. T.E.A. Parties), etc.
Now, let's get back on thread here ...
"We already have the constitutional right to "get guns..." No need to act inappropriately when you have the legal right.
In regards to taxes: we vote, write our Congressional leaders, hold peaceful demonstrations (i.e. T.E.A. Parties), etc.
"Be students of God's Word."
I wonder how many who call themselves Christians in the USA are students of the Holy Scriptures. Who have a pastor who fears preaching the Word, and yet has a fire in his belly to preach.
I pray the Church would be granted a severe hunger for God's Word, and the hunger pains would drive us to the Word.
Good post, and nice illustration. I may borrow that, that is if it's alright to.
On the contrary. As individual believers in the Lord and citizens of this country, when we operate under the laws of the land to air our disagreements with public policy or challenge how some elected officials govern beyond the rule of law is not cultural, but biblical.
I speak of using guns, primarily.
"challenge how some elected officials govern beyond the rule of law"
Abortion is the rule of law. Democracy in action. The only form of government hinted in the New Testament is a monarchy. The Scriptures require us to pray without having and public debate".
Most of the political discourse is self righteous and a form of murmering. Everyone prestends to have the answers. They don't.
I will leave it at this, I was once a true politically involved patriot. I am free.
"Show me Biblically where God endorsed violent overthrow of any government."
Okay. I'll limit my response to two places, though I could offer more.
1) The book of Joshua. Trivia question: how many sovereign nations, with heads who had power because God gave it to them, were violently overthrown by God's command?
2) The book of Judges. Israel fell under tyrants, and eventually God raised up men (and Deborah)for the purpose of violently throwing off said tyranny.
Y'see, the big problem with Two Kingdom theories is this: two kingdoms implies two kings. Jesus is lord of all, every name that is named, every throne and power and dominion. In addition, He is the head of the church.
It's simply false to posit a theory in which Christ is ruler of the church, but He's content to let the "civil kingdom" go its own way. Jesus is Lord. Of all. Period.
"Most of the political discourse is self righteous"
In our day, I agree. But the fathers of this nation were willing to serve more than not for liberty.
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object." -Patrick Henry
And I must also say this liberty was believed a gift from God, and this liberty was for our families, and our women and children. I feel the same today: Especially on Memorial day.
Gordon and Donsands
Words of wisdom rooted in Scripture. Thank you both...
"It's simply false to posit a theory in which Christ is ruler of the church, but He's content to let the "civil kingdom" go its own way."
It would seem that throughout history God was "content" to let most governments go their own way. I have much evidence, unless you contend God is orchestrating evil and idol worship.
(Joshua) Constructing New Testament doctrine from Old Testament narratives is unusually unorthodox. There are two kingdoms - darkness and light.
The worldview u r representing here brother is nowhere condoned biblically. As believers, we are strangers in a strange land. We function as citizens of our respective towns, cities, states, and countries. But also as citizens of heaven.
In regards to God's sovereignty, He does rule over the political affairs of all heads of state and their governments. Consider Romans 13:1-3; 1 Peter 2:11-18: Titus 3:1-3, etc. and our duty to live in submission to nation's leaders. We are servants in two kingdoms. Not simply one of light and darkness; but of a temporary society in this world in which we function daily, and the other an eternal kingdom.
Consider the captivity of Isreal in Jetemiah 29 under the Chaldeans. They were commnded by God to pray for them and their peace and to carry on under their rule with their normal duties.
Let me know your thoughts.
The primary reason that Christians should have some political involvement is out of the simple Biblical exortation to seek and exercise wisdom.
Wisdom is not just an academic thing to fill your head with, but should be applied. And when you apply it to any influence that we may have in the political realm, it can result in policy that reflects that wisdom.
Even if we have someone who is unwise in office, we can influence them to make policy which is wise.
How much involvement in politics is a matter of wisdom also. Each Christian has their own "calling".
Steve said, "when we operate under the laws of the land to air our disagreements with public policy or challenge how some elected officials govern beyond the rule of law is not cultural, but biblical."And this is also an example of using wisdom.
I'm late to this discussion, but I've been observing it throughout the day today, and I've been thinking about what I've read here.
I believe we'd be hard-pressed to compare our society and form of government with that in which Jesus and His contemporaries were living in. We have a participatory government (we can elect our representatives, and we can in fact seek those offices for ourselves), and we have freedom. The Jews had no such liberties under Rome. We do not (so far) live under an authoritarian government of an emperor or king whose decree is final without any input from the citizenry.
Therefore, because we have been entrusted with such freedoms, there is responsibility that goes along with that. I believe we would be remiss - in fact, ungrateful for the privilege we have to live in such a free country - if we did not exercise those freedoms, and protect them.
I believe the parable of the talents would have application here.
I have contended we should be good citizens while remaining seperate. I hope I have provided some food for thought.
But let me make this observation. If indeed God wants His people involvedin this system, then how can it be possible the church's involvement appears as it does?
* Political pamphlets handed out in God's worship sanctuary.
* Unsaved political figures sit and are recognized in large congregations before an election. They are there for votes, not worship.
* The demeaning and caustic talk show montras are embraced by bielvers.
* The "religeous right" tout a cross-less morality.
* The "battle" has been reduced to morality and the redemption of Jesus is not an issue.
* The conservative vs. liberal construct is humanism and has no Biblical foundation and is a works way of looking at needy sinners.
* The church has been often been seen, sometimes legitimately and sometimes not, as hating the sinner (gays).
* The gospel has become a non-issue in the midst of the energy given to political leverage, and the fruits have been significantly less than the energy and focus given to it.
* Even the Republican party, the only real "safe haven" for believers is becoming more and more inclusive.
In short, even if you believe God wants His people involved, this surely isn't what He had in mind.
As always I enjoy our interactions here together and appreciate your thoughts and words.
I have contended we should be good citizens while remaining separate.
I think one of the issues here with your "remaining separate" is almost to the point of becoming lawless within society per your Christian worldview.
Political structure and government of various types is a profession as well as an institution ordained by God. William Wilberforce was a politician by trade or profession. But, as a Christian, he fought tirelessly and vigorously within that system and according to biblical conviction to bring an end to the slave trade in England.
Surely this is a good example of how a Christian may function within a flawed system of government, but at the same time impact a nation and a world from the well of biblical conviction on an important issue in his day.
I am not advocating the church in America becoming a political force. Again, I have written against that mind set more than any other Christian blogger to date. But what I am advocating for is that Christians can speak out on all matters of issues within the laws and boundaries of our society from a biblical worldview. It is a way of loving our neighbor in seeking their well-being.
But, the church must remain the church and be about the business for that which the Lord has established it.
One quick point of clarification. You said, "Abortion is the rule of law. Democracy in action."
That really is not true brother. The 1973 decision by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade upheld a right to privacy (mother's right to choose) in regards to abortion - but it did not make abortion law. We are not China... yet.
The Supreme Court subjected abortion under the banner of "strict scrutiny" in how laws are thus enforced or interpreted in relation to abortion.
Abortion is murder; it is wrong in the eyes of God and most people. It is a blight on this nation's history. But it is not the result of democracy, but of the sinfulness of peoples hearts. That is why the solution to abortion is not constitutional amendments, but the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen?
"That is why the solution to abortion is not constitutional amendments, but the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen?"
Amen, amen, and amen. Have a great Memorial day. Even though I am not engaged nationalistically, I admire the courage of men and women who give their lives to protect their families. They are heros.
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