by Eric Costa
The person and work of Jesus Christ is the substance of the Gospel. The beginning, middle, and end of the Christian life must be informed by the redemption that is in Christ Jesus—all the Scriptures are helpful for this. Jesus himself made it very clear that He is the main subject of all the Scriptures. Paul set the tone for our preaching by saying, "I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." Friends, a sermon is not Christian unless it is Christocentric.
Weekend A La Carte (February 22)
18 hours ago
that quote is by Eric Costa isn't it?
Though it does sound like something Mr. Hendryx would say, he is an excellent Bible expositor as well. I often wish I was as graceful and loving as Mr. Hendryx.
You are so right! My sincere apology to Eric and to John. I just assumed it was by John and didn't check to read who posted it.
I will make the correction immediately. Thank you very much for having my back on this...
2 Cor. 2:17
Amen! Well put.
It is important that "Christ crucified" be central as well.
Otherwise you get a whole variety of Jesuses showing up that do not resemble the crucified Christ but rather Christ the examole, or Christ the teacher, or Christ the...whatever.
Thanks! Love your blog site!
- Steve Martin San Clemente, CA
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