Some Friday Fun... An Encore Presentation.
I didn't mean to stick you with this post, but thought it might be a good way to end the week.
Do you think some Aloe Vera might help?

A little humor to "poke you with" to begin a brand new day. You might be asking as I did, what happens when this poor guy gets a cold? How do you wash your face at night? What if one of the studs falls out... are replacements difficult to do? Is flossing to be taken to a whole new level?
After seeing this photograph, I have been reminded once again of one among many reasons why I so appreciate my five teenage children (19, 17, 16, 15, 13). Maybe you can identify with my heart's gratitude as well. The following caption is a brief description as to why:
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again .........
After seeing this photograph, I have been reminded once again of one among many reasons why I so appreciate my five teenage children (19, 17, 16, 15, 13). Maybe you can identify with my heart's gratitude as well. The following caption is a brief description as to why:
Repeat after me:
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again ..........
I will never complain about MY kids again .........
Oh boy... that's too painful to look at!
To do that to one's face, you'd think the person has to be tormented!?
Do they come out at night and go back in in the morning?
That's a good 3 hours killed.
BTW, What you can't see in my picture is that I have a body piercing.
Body piercing? Oh my... I guess you're living out the theology of Hewy Lewis and the News, "I'm happy to be stuck with you."
Air travel must be a bit troublesome:
"Sir, do you have any metal objects... Never mind, please get into the slow line!"
So is it safe to say that this person will be foregoing any botox injections in the future?
And does liquid spew out of the piercings every time they drink something? (Seems like it would be hard to quench your thirst.....this person has been watching wa-a-a-y too much SpongeBob).
ray: air travel? The metal itself probably weighs too much to allow this kid to "carry" himself on the plane. He probably has to check himself at the luggage area.
Why is this man smiling? Do you suppose the hardware has him pinned in that position?
One could ask how they remove the makeup - but hey, those are tattoos...
While a little bit scary, and a little bit sad... easy to make fun of...
All I really see is a desperate cry for help - a search for an identity in faceless, uncaring world.
Oy. I just ate.
unchained & Cindy--
Your posts above do make one think. As I read them, the youth that are currently rioting in France came to my mind.
And, Campi-I think you most likely rest calmly in the assurance that solid biblical parenting can contribute greatly to preventing one's children from becoming odd fodder for some budding photographer's Nikon, (as this one did). (Kodachrome........)
That Rick Warren...first the Hawaiian this. :)
Oh man! I can't believe you put this on here today. My oldest son was getting ribbed at school for wearing a dog collar. I just got done asking him if this was going to lead to other things. Oh ho ho ho. Ah ha ha. My wife my son and I all had a good laugh. I can't believe you put this on here. eh heh heh. *sniff*...ouch!
and i thought that person was a middle-aged mother.
Actually I thought it was sad. this person must have severe demonic issues and is most likely headed to hell. It of course does look ridiculous though!
Daring to be different and calling for attention, when such people DO get attention they say "What are YOU looking at?!"
I's jus kiddin bout the body piercing. I did get hooked in the ear while fishing when I was 10.
Thanks Steve - I was in the middle of my second piece of my Creamy Chicken pie when your blog loaded! Yuk.
I am really thinking that he needs to use EcoTru on himself to at least stay sanitary...double ewwww yuck!!
I was curious if you might take a blog and give testimony to us all on how you train your children in the Scriptures. Please comment how you formally train them (family devotions) and how you informally train them. It seems that many families are not training their children in the Scriptures. The typical parent is hoping that Sunday school will be sufficient for their kids. What say you?
Anyone got a magnet?
He's probably smiling because someone told him about a Saviour that looks at his heart! He probably learned long ago that people will judge him by his outward appearance.....
Am I the only one who would like to see his year book pic from high school?
I'd like to see that too!
I agree with both of you. What a year book picture that would be.
A good friend of mine from Ohio sent this to me three years ago. I thought it would be a fun Friday item for today.
No doubt an Obama supporter :-). (Can I say that?)
You wonder what these people are thinking. Especially the ones that put those huge holes in their ears. Body parts start to sag and what do they think they'll look like at 50. The tattoos, piercings and so on... You don't defile the temple that the Lord created..
Consider yourself banned from this site for disparaging and unapologetic remarks directed about the Lord Jesus Christ.
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