Sunday, July 03, 2005

Lake Michigan, Maranatha, Music and Ministry

Dear Fellow Bloggenators:

My daughter, Mary Morris (age 10), and I are up here at the Maranatha Bible Conference on Lake Michigan for the next few days. It is absolutely beautiful and we are enjoying every aspect of this wonderful family get-a-way. I ministered here last evening in concert. We had a marvelous time of worship and as always at the end of every concert a time to spend in God's Word. I shared out of Hebrews 2:17 on the vicarious substitutionary atonement of Christ (pertaining to propitiation), sola fide, and the doctrine of imputation. The Lord richly blessed that time as many hearts were challenged to follow Him (Matthew 16:24-26). Maranatha boasts a rich heritage of decades of faithful ministry where a virtual "who's who" of preachers have exposited God's Word. It is such an honor to share the pulpit and platform in the spirit of that great heritage. This also marks the beginning of the Moody Bible Institute week as well. This is always a favorite for the Maranatha attendees and I am looking forward to being refreshed by some good doctrines of grace preaching (well, hopefully). Your prayers for the Lord to be glorified and His Word to be continually cut straight (2 Timothy 2:15) would be most appreciated for this entire week.

The only negative about this great historical Bible Camp is that the only internet connection available is dial-up. It takes "forever" just to retrieve emails--let alone download pictures and develop articles for posting. So this is a brief note to let you know, unless the Lord provides alternative access, the posting will be slow coming the next few days.

Thank you for all your coments and support of this ministry. Great to be in the blogosphere with you all. May the "iron strike the iton" at CampOnThis and sharpen us all to be more Christlike in every area of our lives.

Grace and peace to you,
Steve Camp (and Mary Morris Camp too)
James 1:19-21


Carla Rolfe said...

Steve... er, Mr. Camp... um... Campi... Mary's Dad:

I just wanted to leave a note and tell you thank you. I read your blog, I read your site, and I'm blessed by what you have to share.

So thank you, and may God continue to bless your work, and your words.

SDG - Carla

The Man said...

I'd like to echo Carla's comments. My first Christian concert, 21 years ago, was the Fire and Ice tour in Lorain, Ohio, and I've appreciated your stand for righteousness ever since. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

We understand the roles of adults in our Christian society that’s why your christian retreat centers in nebraska is up yearly with activities to encourage adults to remain as role models for every child within their family and immediate society. We always cull our teachings within the provision of the Bible.
Adults, being the role models are always top agents for change. So we make sure that every applicable Biblical truth that applies to adulthood we share them fairly to all campers.
Maranatha Bible Camp is a happy camping site for people who love to commune with God in Silence.